Sunday 9 June 2013

coffee shop: truth

Truth is a steampunk-inspired coffee shop in Cape Town designed by Haldane Martin.

a biomorphic bench (designer unknown)

interesting coffee shop interior

Two hundred and seventy six teacups are suspended from the ceiling of this coffee shop,''Origio", in Bucharest by Romanian studio Lama Architectura.

Sunday 2 June 2013

biomorphism: shopping village inspired by a tree;s canopy, by koichi takada architects

btech: proposal project branding

The Oakwood Academy is the name that was given to represent the Hospitality Management and Culinary Arts School.

The Oakwood Academy has a young target market that ranges from the ages of 18 to 25. The Oakwood Academy aims to be fresh and bold in order to spark an interest in the hospitality industry amongst today’s youth. The brand needs to resonate, attract and identify with the young target market.

What’s in a name?

The word “Oak” has been used in all three of the functions names, this has been done to unite the functions and create a holistic brand identity.

Why Oak? 

  • o   Oak is the holy Greek word for hospitality.
    o   Oak is the Latin word for robust, implying strength.
    o   The Oak tree symbolizes wisdom and strength in many cultures.
    o   Oak relates to the context of the building, as Oakworth is the name of the road that leads to the building.
Why wood?

The word is wood is defined as collection of trees in a small concentration. Like a collection of trees, The Oakwood Academy has various functions housed under one roof. All of the functions come together to form one single entity under the Oakwood brand.

Secondary Brands

As previously mentioned the secondary logos needed to be an extension of the main logo, they needed to easily identified as functions that form part of the school but still distinguishable as separate brands, and separate entities.

The Bakery: Bakers @ Oak

The bakery aims to provide ready made take-away, quick meals and business lunches. The bakery will specialize in pastry-works, cakes, deli sandwiches and artisan breads that will be displayed in fridges. It will have a small seating area.

The target market of the bakery is not confined to a specific age group. Bakers @ Oak welcomes anyone who wants to experience the delights of the Oakwood Academy’s pastry masters in training. The identity of the bakery is to be playful and relaxed, consumers are to feel at ease in the space.

The Formal Restaurant: Chefs @ Oak

The restaurant targets the more mature crowd ranging from the age of 30 onwards. The aim is to attract people who are willing to try new dishes as emphasis is put on quality rather than quantity of cuisine, authenticity of flavour and the artful presentation of the cuisine.
The aim of the restaurant is to create an atmosphere in which the food is enjoyed, savoured and truly experienced by the consumer. The atmosphere of the restaurant is to be intimate and relaxed, allowing for an easy flow of conversation between diners over a good meal.