Thursday 29 August 2013

Btech: Product Design: some more interesting product ideas i like

made from hangers UPCYCLE

adore the mini garden i am going to do this on a larger scale for a bulkead LOVE



btech: product design

Our new brief is to design three products for our project and we have to make one of the products. i have chosen to make a hanging light out of plastic spoons, the lights will resemble a acorn. here are a few inspirational images. buzzword UPCYCLE! remember i am doing a culinary school!

love the shape

Thursday 22 August 2013

btech: researching more culinary school: Sydney Seafood School, Australia

Sydney Seafood School, Australia

modern, clean line, fun

(the fish on the walls have been drawn on with chalk)


demonstration room

teaching kitchen


Monday 19 August 2013

btech: student cooking stations

i am currently researching cooking stations for the students teaching kitchens, here is what i have found thus far.

3d printed concept workstation

recycle hub, all waste is recycled

simple and fun im loving this

this is a concept model

Saturday 17 August 2013

btech: a snippet out of my treatise, one of my precedant studys for the school

Precedent: Experience Design 1

Project:  The Culinary Art School by Jorge Gracia of  Gracia Studios

Location: Tijuana, Mexico

 “Gracia Studios designed a culinary arts center in Tijuana that brings the outside in, creating a learning environment students actually want to attend.’-   AnnMarie Martin, writer  for Buildings magazine(

According to  Valeria Peraza, of Architecture News Plus, the building is located on the last phase of a 30-year, three stage development in Tijuana, vacant lots surround the school, which is why the two main volumes face each other, creating a transition space in the form of a courtyard that acts as a centerpiece between the two volumes (Architecture News Plus [s.a]: 1).

Peraza explains that the greater volume of the structure  lined with garapa wood on the upper level and cast on-site concrete beneath, contains the administrative offices, classrooms, library, and the wine cellar. On the second main volume, covered with steel on top, and glass below, the cooking stations, with absolute transparency between them and the plaza, allowing physical and visual interaction among these characters, as well as with the other workshops the architecture and interiors come together to create an environment that will inspire each and every student (Architecture News Plus [s.a]: 1).

"The challenge of The Culinary Art School was to make it more interesting, we wanted to make it so that when you're inside the school, it feels like you're in an area that's already developed. The challenge was to create more of an urban area once you are inside, bringing the outside in." Jorge Gracia, principal of Gracia Studios (Buildings [s.a]:1).

lecture room

staff meeting room

student area


demonstration room



student lockers

exterior view

naturally these are the training kitchens

Sunday 11 August 2013

Btech: Inspiration - Stairs

love these staircases, spiral for the sober, normal for the drunkards!

Btech: Inspiration the Wiki Bar

The Wiki Bars concept revolves around the molecular make up of food... atoms. super cool and crisp design. I love it and it has been at the for front of my space inspiration.

Saturday 3 August 2013