Tuesday 22 October 2013

monkey business

i have had many encounters with the nmmu monkeys in the architecture parking lot but todays encounter slayed me. I was running late for class so i grabbed a banana on the way out the door, this was suppose to be my brekkie. i pulled into varsity, parked and heard a group of people oohhhin and aaaahing at the baby monkey. with banana in hand i started making my way to class then WOMP! a mama monkey dropped from the tree's above right in front of me. Fight or flight instinct kicked in, it stared me dead in my eyes i clutched the banana tighter (was starving already), i was about to start hissing at it defending my nana when i heared WOM WOMP, two more monkeys had dropped in front of me, they started to close in. Fearing for my life i threw the nana at monkey number one and scurried off to class. i looked back and saw two more monkeys had joined the posse of three. Needless to say if i fought i would have lost that battle.

Saturday 12 October 2013

Patka restaurant by El Equipo Creativo

Local studio El Equipo Creativo reinterpreted traditional wooden Peruvian cloth-weaving equipment to create angled panels from thick threads stretched across wooden frames. Some of the frames are twined with white cords to contrast with the colourful sections.
Colourful strings are threaded around looms to envelop this Barcelona restaurant headed by Catalan chef Ferran Adrià (+ slideshow).

Local studio El Equipo Creativo reinterpreted traditional wooden Peruvian cloth-weaving equipment to create angled panels from thick threads stretched across wooden frames. Some of the frames are twined with white cords to contrast with the colourful sections.

The panels pass over the heads of diners who are served a fusion of Peruvian and Japanese cuisine at Patka, which means "union" in Peru.

Tuesday 8 October 2013

NOMA Copengahan

Danish studio Space Copenhagen has overhauled the interior of Copenhagen eatery Noma, which was this year named "World's Best Restaurant" for the third time in a row.

"We felt a great importance in protecting the honest, earthy feel of the restaurant and balancing it with refinement of detail and elegance," explained designers Peter Bundgaard Rützou and Signe Bindslev Henriksen. "It was very much about using organic materials such as wood, stone, leather, brass and linen in a new way; materials that age beautifully over time."