Tuesday 22 October 2013

monkey business

i have had many encounters with the nmmu monkeys in the architecture parking lot but todays encounter slayed me. I was running late for class so i grabbed a banana on the way out the door, this was suppose to be my brekkie. i pulled into varsity, parked and heard a group of people oohhhin and aaaahing at the baby monkey. with banana in hand i started making my way to class then WOMP! a mama monkey dropped from the tree's above right in front of me. Fight or flight instinct kicked in, it stared me dead in my eyes i clutched the banana tighter (was starving already), i was about to start hissing at it defending my nana when i heared WOM WOMP, two more monkeys had dropped in front of me, they started to close in. Fearing for my life i threw the nana at monkey number one and scurried off to class. i looked back and saw two more monkeys had joined the posse of three. Needless to say if i fought i would have lost that battle.

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